Tuesday 9 February 2010

Pic 131- I'm back

Long time since the last picture in this blog, in case you're not aware of this this year is tarted a new blog with my roomie, and as well a new project, is called "Not just about hair- A photo a day" it's kind of the same project as this is, the difference you may ask? in the new one the picture have to be taken and uploaded the same day (you've probably noticed, I've been flexible with this blog), this has led to a kind of ongoing match, that encourage to push yourself harder, unless you want to loose the battle, some days are better than others as in any photo a day project. What is interesting, is that some days i have a clear winner to upload to the blog, but some others is hard to choose what to upload, and the light shined on me and i realize that i could use this more relaxed blog to upload those pictures that otherwise wouldn't see the light, this doesn't mean the quality of the pictures in this blog (one day-one photo) will be lower, as sometimes the choice for the other blog could be influenced by many different reasons than quality.

So stop the crap and i resume the blog with this picture(above) of my friend jöy in the street.

Thanks for reading, keep an eye on this,click the picture for bigger view, and don't forget to leave a comment behind.

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